Taki Pan x Krona
Taktika, born in 1943, was 25% Crabbet.
Bred by Tersk Stud Russia. Elite Mare and Russian Aristocrat Dam. Influential
in racing pedigrees. Dam of *Pietuszok and Topol. Measurements:
Race Record: 2/14 (5-2-4-1-2)
Won the USSR All Union Exhibition when shown in hand against all breeds based on Conformation and Class.
One of the most influential Tersk broodmatrons as the dam of the Six Splendids - Pietuszok, Ptashka, Topol, Platina, Potencja and Trapecia. Esteemed for outstanding conformation, size and substance, excellent scope and harmony of build, a dry, refined and solid constitution as well as tremendously powerful and versatile athletic ability. Taktika has left a dynasty of descendants who excel across disciplines in all corners of the globe. She was the epitome of the original Russian blend, with strong influences of Polish and Russian lines combined with her infinitely valuable Crabbet-bred granddam Star of the Hills. Still considered a premier source of racing talent in the breed, the descendants of Taktika are valued as superior athletes with model conformation, strength, substance, class and courage.