Cornelia Agnew...

Cornelia Agnews's Horse
Steelen Show Time II, as a young stallion. The his first time ridden outside the arena

Cornelia now owns Steelen Show Time II as an Endurance Gelding. Last time I saw her ride by me she hollowed "He's a Cadillac, He's a Cadillac!". Cornelia's full story to follow by the end of March.


Cornelia Agnews's Horse
Steelen Show Time II as the Celebrity Showcase horse at the Equine Affaire selling the Remington Steele*++ temperament as he was a stallion here allow children to pat him, with Patti Bailey.
Cornelia Agnews's Horse
Steelen Show Time II helping Patti teach the crowd about body language and positioning at the Equine Affaire
Cornelia Agnews's Horse
Yarrow Farnsworth riding Steelen Show Time II in the snow at Phase II-Fast Track